A mysterious respiratory illness is affecting dogs across the US, with cases reported in states like Colorado, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Veterinarians are urging dog owners to keep an eye on their pets for possible symptoms, which include coughing, fever, sneezing, a runny nose and eyes, and even pneumonia, which can be deadly. Although no cases have been found in the Valley, Dr. Scott Bradley advises dog owners to take their dog to the vet right away if it's showing symptoms.
It is unclear what the infectious agent is, but it is a whole new respiratory illness that has not been identified yet. There is no known cure, and it does not respond like a typical respiratory bacterial infection where an antibiotic will help.
It is also important to keep your pets' vaccinations up to date. With the holidays around the corner, Bradley advises people to think twice before leaving their dogs at daycare or boarding facilities nose to nose and mixing it up, as there is a higher risk of it being transferred if they're contagious. Damon Younger, a dad to a small Chihuahua, was not aware of the mysterious illness, but he says he will keep an even closer eye on his small pup.