The Las Vegas Rescue Mission held its annual Thanksgiving event, serving over 750 meals to hundreds of people in need. The event was held a day early, and plates were packed with all the classic sides, including mashed potatoes, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. More than 900 pounds of turkey were served, and the mission made it clear that everyone was invited to break bread together. Vicky Shanks, who had just learned about the shelter, expressed her gratitude for the meal. "Be thankful, be grateful, it's all good," she said.
The Las Vegas Rescue Mission puts a lot of time and effort into preparing the food every year, and every scoop inside the kitchen brings them closer to their goal. The mission's efforts to help others never stop, but they are highlighted during this season of giving. The shelter serves as a family for those who don't have their families around them. "We are their family," the mission said.
Reporting from downtown Las Vegas, Elissa Bethan Court captured the heartwarming event as bellies were filled and hearts were bursting with gratitude.